Principal Miller introduced student blogging to my class last week.  She began with a video about blogging (Blogs in Plain English).  The class then discussed blogging safety and blogging rules.  A rules page was sent home for the students to discuss with their parents, have signed and return.  Students created paper blogs about their favorite food.  Special attention was given to the blog title and the post title.  Day two with Principal Miller allowed for discussion about comments to a blog post.  We discussed appropriate comments and length of comments.  Students were given post it notes and an opportunity to read a peer's paper blog and make comments.  Paper blogs were passed around the group allowing for several students to comment by writing on the post it note and attaching it to the paper blog.
All this leads to blogging on Kidblog.  This will be the second year for my kids to use Kidblog as their student blogging site.  Our beginning posts will be about things like our favorite foods or what we did on vacation.  Eventually we will use student blogging for reading responses, creative writing, peer editing, and more.   Kidblog allows for me to keep the site closed to outside viewers until I feel comfortable with others viewing.  Then I can open it up to only those with a password and finally to anyone.  Last year my class loved having their family view their posts.  When we opened the comments up to anyone, we had other third grade classes from around the United States read our posts and make comments.  This was super exciting to have kids from Colorado comment about our books with which we were responding.  

paper blog with post it comments